Dear Farmers
We have a new website for you to use. Please click on the button below to create your new account.
Once you are signed up you can use the website to place your order. All you need to do is put your farm name or your farm code in the details available and we will email you to confirm we have your order. If you don’t have your farmers code don’t panic we will make sure once you have placed your order under your farm name we ring you to confirm a few details and then give you your code to use in the future. You will then only need to put your farm name and the code in next time you place an order. Please also add the day and time you would like to pick up your order.
Important notice: Please tick “Cash/Eftpos on pickup” that way it will come off your account.
Farmers now have an alternative to the traditional home kill with a popular service offered by Hamilton Wholesale Meats and Greenlea Premier Meats.
The farmer can send stock to Greenlea Premier Meats, (phone your Greenlea Premier Meats agent to arrange this option), who will then credit the value of one or more animals (farmer’s choice) to Hamilton Wholesale Meats. This credit can then be used to buy whatever meat they prefer – lamb, pork, beef, chicken or an extensive range of other products, all at wholesale prices and of the highest quality.
Farmers have commented that they don’t always want all the cuts they get from a home kill, this way they only have to buy what they prefer e.g. the credit could all be spent on steak!”
Once Hamilton Wholesale Meats has the credit from Greenlea Premier Meats the customer will be sent a letter confirming the credit. All they have to do is use our shopping cart to send an order through or alternatively call us and arrange a collection date.
This new service to farmers has been developed with Greenlea Premier Meats in response to a demand from farmers. The credit can be put in the name of farm workers or other family members if required.
Our business is also open to the general public but as we have no retail outlet orders need to be organised by phone, fax or email a day or two in advance.
Hamilton Wholesale Meats has been operating for 30 years, supplying bakeries, caterers, rest homes, boarding schools and restaurants.
We can be found at Huttons Industrial Park, 18 Lincoln Street, Hamilton. First contact should be by phone to (07) 850 6150 or email [email protected]